Dajia Jenn Lann Temple

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따쟈쩐란궁 (다자전란궁, 大甲鎮瀾宮)

따쟈 쩐란궁은 대만에서 가장 유명한 어민들을 수호해 주는 여신인 마주(媽祖)을 모신 사당의 하나로, 이백년의 역사를 갖고 있다. 일년 내내 향불이 타고 있으며, 신도들이 끊이지 않는다. 매년 음력 3월에 열리는 마주순례행사는 세계적인 종교행사로써 국내외 여행객들의 참여하고 있으며, 따지아의 대표적인 관광지이다. 쩐란궁의 보라색 에메랄드 마주는 지하1층의 마주문화관내 황금마주와 함께 사당의 보물이다. 마주는 타이중 3대보물의 하나로 타이중 여행의 필수코스이다.


출처 : Wikipedia

Dajia Jenn Lann Temple

People saying that Zhenlan Temple of Dajia was brought in to Taiwan by the Fukien province Tien islander, surname Lin, from Meizhou in 1730. Later on because the public worship tripod, in Yu Year of tenth, the little temple was built in Dajia in Taichung. Till 1770 (Yung Cheng Year of 35th) the little temple was changed to Hou Temple. In the Yung Cheng Year of 52nd (1778 A.D.), the temple was rebuilt. Afterwards the scholar gentry frequently raised reconstructs and change to become Zhenlan Temple. The temple with the statue of Mazu in Taiwan is more than five hundred and more. Every year during the beginning of March of Chinese Year, territorial pilgrimage is a great celebration. There are hundreds of believers following the pilgrimage, and there are many celebrations for welcoming Mazu in every temple. The territorial pilgrimage of Zhenlan Temple of Dajia devolved hundreds of years. For every period, Ta An County will go aboard to the main Mazu temple in Meizhou to worship some holy spirit back for the statue. Whenever the people of pilgrimage several bulkiness and magnitude grandeur, it is praised and studied between the internal academic circle and mass communication border.

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Source : Taiwan

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