Duke of Zhou
周公旦 (?-?)

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주공 (周公旦, ?-?)

주공 단은 주나라의 정치가다. 그는 문왕의 아들이자 무왕의 동생이다. 그는 형인 무왕을 보좌하였고, 무왕 사후 그의 어린 아들인 성왕을 보좌하고 주나라 건국 이후 불안한 정국을 안정시켰다. 그는 강태공, 소공 석과 함께 주의 창업 공신 가운데 한 사람이다.


출처 : Wikipedia

Duke of Zhou (?-?)

Dan, Duke Wen of Zhou, commonly known as the Duke of Zhou, was a member of the royal family of the Zhou dynasty who played a major role in consolidating the kingdom established by his elder brother King Wu. He was renowned for acting as a capable and loyal regent for his young nephew King Cheng, and for successfully suppressing the Rebellion of the Three Guards and establishing firm rule of the Zhou dynasty over eastern China. He is also a Chinese culture hero credited with writing the I Ching and the Book of Poetry, establishing the Rites of Zhou, and creating the yayue of Chinese classical music.

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Source : Wikipedia

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