Battle of the Marne
Memorial des Batailles de la Marne

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마른강 전투

제1차 마른 강 전투(1914년 9월 6일 ~ 9월 10일)는 파리 시 근처 마른 강 유역에서 프랑스군이 독일 제국군을 저지한 전투로, 이 전투로 프랑스는 수도를 잃을 큰 위기에서 벗어났다. 이 전투 후 전쟁의 조기 종결에 대한 독일의 희망은 무산되었고 참호전으로 이어지는 시작점이 되었다.


출처 : Wikipedia

Battle of the Marne

The First Battle of the Marne was a battle of the First World War fought from 5 to 12 September 1914. It was fought in a collection of skirmishes around the Marne River Valley. It resulted in an Entente victory against the German armies in the west. The battle was the culmination of the Retreat from Mons and pursuit of the Franco–British armies which followed the Battle of the Frontiers in August and reached the eastern outskirts of Paris.

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Source : Wikipedia

ⓤ Memorial des Batailles de la Marne / 마른전투 기념관

Funerary and memory sites of the First World War (Western Front)

This transnational serial property encompasses sites along the First World War Western Front, where war was fought between the German and the Allied forces between 1914 and 1918. Located between the north of Belgium and the east of France, the component parts of the property vary in scale from large necropolises, holding the remains of tens of thousands of soldiers of several nationalities, to tiny and simpler cemeteries, and single memorials. The sites include different military cemeteries, battlefield burial grounds, and hospital cemeteries, often combined with memorials.



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