Porta Westfalica
William I
1797-1888, Emperor William Monument

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빌헬름 1세 (1797-1888)

빌헬름 1세는 프로이센의 국왕이다. 북독일 연방의 의장이자, 독일 제국의 초대 황제이었다. 1864년 프로이센-덴마크 전쟁과 1866년 프로이센-오스트리아 전쟁, 그리고 1870년 프로이센-프랑스 전쟁에서 차례로 승리한 뒤, 1871년 베르사유 궁전에서 독일 제국 황제가 되었다. 비스마르크를 신임하였으며 내외 정치에 수완을 보여, 독일을 유럽 제일의 강대국으로 만들었다.


출처 : Wikipedia

William I (1797-1888)

William I or Wilhelm I was King of Prussia from 2 January 1861 and German Emperor from 18 January 1871 until his death in 1888. A member of the House of Hohenzollern, he was the first head of state of a united Germany. He was de facto head of state of Prussia from 1858, when he became regent for his brother Frederick William IV, whose death three years later would make him king.

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Source : Wikipedia

ⓢ Emperor William Monument / 빌헬름1세 기념비

Emperor William Monument

The Emperor William Monument, near the town of Porta Westfalica in the North Rhine-Westphalian county of Minden-Lübbecke, is a colossal monument above the Weser gorge of Porta Westfalica, the "Gateway to Westphalia". It was erected to honour the first German Emperor, William I, by the then Prussian Province of Westphalia between 1892 and 1896 and emerged against the background of a rising German national identity. The monument, which is around 88 metres high, is classified as one of Germany's national monuments.

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Source : Wikipedia

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