Bodrum Castle
Bodrum Kalesi

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셀주크 투르크의 침공에 직면하여, 로도스섬에 본부를 둔 성 요한 기사단은 본토에 다른 요새가 필요해졌다. 총 사령관이었던 필리베르 드 네일라(1396–1421)는 코스섬 너머에 적합한 곳을 알아봤으며, 그 성은 이미 기사단에 의해 성이 세워져 있었다. 그 위치는 기원전 1110년 전에 성채가 세워졌던 곳이며, 11세기에도 소규모의 셀주크성이 있었던 자리였다. 그곳은 또한 유명한 카리아의 왕 마우솔로스의 궁전터였던 것으로 추정되었다. 1962년 부터는 수중고고학 유물을 전시하는 해양박물관으로 활용되고 있다.


출처 : Wikipedia

Bodrum Castle

Bodrum Castle is a historical fortification located in southwest Turkey in the port city of Bodrum, built from 1402 onwards, by the Knights of St John (Knights Hospitaller) as the Castle of St. Peter or Petronium. A transnational effort, it has four towers known as the English, French, German, and Italian towers, bearing the names of the nations responsible for their construction. The chapel was built around 1407 and the first walls completed in 1437. The castle started reconstruction in the late 14th century, only to be taken over by the Islamic Ottoman Empire in 1523. The chapel was converted to a mosque, and a minaret was added. The castle remained under the empire for almost 400 years. After remaining empty following World War I, in the early 1960s, the castle became the home for the Bodrum Museum of Underwater Archaeology. In 2016 it was inscribed in the UNESCO Tentative list of World Heritage Sites in Turkey.

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Source : Wikipedia

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