HMAP World Story
장보고 (?-846)
장보고는 청해진(전라남도 완도) 출생으로 정확한 출생과 계통은 알 수 없으나 780년대 후반에 태어난 것으로 추정된다. 그는 기골이 장대하였으며 활과 창을 잘 다루는 무인 기질을 타고 났다. 그의 이름 장보고도 활을 잘 쏘는 것과 관련이 있다. 김부식의 《삼국사기》에는 그의 본명을 궁복(弓福) 또는 궁파(弓巴)라고 적고 있다.
[자세히보기]출처 : Wikipedia
Jang Bogo (?-846)
Jang Bogo was a Sillan who rose to prominence in the Later Silla period of Korea as a powerful maritime figure who effectively controlled the Yellow Sea and dominated the trade between Silla, Heian Japan, and Tang China for decades. His impressive fleet of ships was centered in Wando, an island in South Jeolla Province. So influential a figure did Jang become in late Silla politics that he was granted official office as Maritime Commissioner of the Cheonghaejin Garrison and came near to marrying his daughter into the Silla Royal House before his assassination in 846. He was worshipped as a god following his death.
[Learn more]Source : Wikipedia