Sim Hun
沈熏 (1901-1936)

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심훈 (沈熏, 1901-1936)

심훈은 일제 강점기의 독립운동가, 소설가, 시인, 언론인, 영화 배우, 영화 감독, 각본가로 본명은 심대섭이다. 경기도 과천에서 출생하였으며 지난날 한때 경기도 시흥을 거쳐 충청남도 당진에서 잠시 유아기를 보낸 적이 있고 그 후 한성부에서 성장하였다. 주요 저서로는 소설 《상록수》 등이 있다. 또한 1926년에 한국 최초의 영화 소설 《탈춤》을 연재했다.


출처 : Wikipedia

Sim Hun (1901-1936)

Shim Daeseop, more commonly known by his pen name Shim Hun, was a Korean novelist, poet, playwright and patriot. Shim Hun was a prolific writer. In his short life, he wrote several novels, short stories, plays and poems. He was a meticulous writer who kept original copies of his writing; most of Sim's original manuscripts survive today. Sim's 1926 novel Talchum (Mask Dance) was the first Korean novel to be made into a movie.

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Source : Wikipedia

ⓢ Sim Hun Memorial Museum / 심훈기념관


일제강점기 소설가이자, 시인, 영화인이었던 심훈의 대표적 농촌계몽소설인 “상록수”를 집필한 당진 필경사 일원에, 그의 향일 및 계몽전신을 후세에 선양하고자 심훈기념관을 건립하였다


출처 : 당진시

Sim Hun Memorial Museum

The Sangnok Culture Festival was launched in 1977 to pass on the spirit of Sim Hun, the author of “Sangnoksu (The Evergreen Tree),” who resisted against the Japanese rule and pioneered the Farming Village Enlightening Literature Movement. Celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, the festival will consist of a wide range of programs and experiential events that will bring people together in unison.

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