슈테델 미술관
Staedel Museum

Staedel Museum

The Städel Museum, officially the Städelsches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie, is an art museum in Frankfurt, with one of the most important collections in Germany. The Städel Museum owns 2,700 paintings (of which 600 are displayed) and a collection of 100,000 drawings and prints as well as 600 sculptures. It has around 4,000 m² of display and a library of 100,000 books and 400 periodicals.

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Source : Wikipedia

□ Goethe in the Campagna (Tischbein) / 캄파냐에서의 괴테 (티슈바인)

□ Portrait of a Young Woman (Botticelli) / 젊은 여인의 초상 (보티첼리)
□ The Blinding of Samson (Rembrandt) / 눈 먼 삼손 (렘브란트)



□ Lucca Madonna (Jan van Eyck) / 젖을 먹이는 성모 마리아 (얀 반 에이크)
□ Ecce Homo (Hieronymus Bosch) / 이 사람을 보라 (히에로니무스 보스)
□ After the Luncheon (Renoir) / 오찬 후 (르누아르)
□ The Bitter Potion (Adriaen Brouwer) / 쓴 물약 (아드리안 브라우버르)

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